Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

No election will take place as there were only five candidates put themselves forward for election, in each of the three wards.

Ferret can now share with readers our Councillors for the next four years:

Hemsworth East Ward:

Stan Bates (Labour)

Gary Kendal (Labour)

David Pearson (Labour)

Paul Stephens (Labour)

Maxine Hird (Labour)

Fitzwilliam and Kinsley:

Carol Whitehead (Labour)

Alan Dodson (Labour)

Keith Fernie (Labour)

Linda Firth (Community Minded)

Peter Hardacre (Independent)

Hemsworth South and West Ward:

Kevin Conway (Labour)

Adè Ogunade (Labour)

Ian McGinnies (Independent of any Political Party)

Lyn Morton (Green)

Rob Oldroyd (Independent)

Ferret wishes all our new Councillors well and looks forward to see them working together, to repair the damage inflicted on our community by the “last lot”…

By Ferret

3 thought on “Hemsworth Town Council – Councillors 2023 – 2027…”
  1. Brilliant news Ferret, I notice we’ve got none of those know all’s and pretenders either as new councillors. Brilliant. Congratulations to all the new councillors and thank you Ferret and team for exposing all the misdeeds of Kenyon and his idiots.

  2. Congratulations to each and every councillor,no election needed a huge Thankyou for standing and looking forward to a new era at HTC and the community coming first.The work begins.
    Please post on FB Thankyou.

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