Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret has previously posted about the £561.60 paid monthly to BNB PARABIS LEASING in the accounts of Independent Hemsworth Town Council.

This totals OVER £18,000 of your money spent so far, and this doesn’t include any ingredients purchased.

Ferret can also now reveal Independent Hemsworth Town Council have THREE coffee machines.

Ferret wonders where they are…

By Ferret

4 thought on “Wake up and smell the £18,000 of Coffee…”
  1. £18.000 on coffee machine lease and £168 per month to Armitage Leisure for Jukebox Rental all at the communities expense.The Town clerk states that the Juke Box as now been removed as voted by full council due to all the FOIs and complaints about the lack of use of it ,well by the general public but then he authorises to purchase a Jukebox speaker at £180 says the public need some music must be a lot of the community drinking coffee and listening to music shame the profit accounts are not available .Shame also a wastage of communities precept money account is not available.
    Please post on FB Thankyou.

  2. If this happened anywhere else it would be unbelievable but for Hemsworth it’s become the norm.
    The lakeside runs at a huge loss, we as a community are subsidising everything.
    Its time for the decent councillors to put a stop to all unnecessary outgoings after all what’s wrong with instant coffee on a day out to the park. It’s utter business madness and unjustifiable.

  3. After talking to a friend, Believe these contracts are set up like e.g
    A firm gives you a quote for providing a service (coffee machine) this then is used by the public, money taken over the month is counted up , fees are taken into account, i.e topping up the machine with stock, electricity, water and any other ancillaries the figure then is used to pay for the above and monthly service hire and the remainder is usually split between the company and the host on a % basis .
    So this should be easy enough to see on a audit account.

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