Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Every Dark cloud has a silver lining as the saying goes and it would appear that a dark cloud has once again been cast over this community by the conduct of the Independent cabal councillors and Alan Draper.

It’s now become common place for their lies to be exposed, a disease that has spread from the expert liar, Jim Kenyon, through their ranks to their supporters and alter egos and has manifested quite openly to the complicit Town Clerk Alan Draper.

We had the ridiculous scenario of both Jean Eccles and Jim Kenyon accusing a councillor of being drunk and deliberately mispronouncing his name.

The same name that he has been called during the last four years of this council.

It can only have been deliberate; there is no other valid or realistic explanation.

A deliberate attempt to provoke a response from a man in mourning for his mother, something only “scum” would do.

As for the drinking allegation, Jim Kenyon’s memory must be failing, this is the same Jim Kenyon who failed a breathalyser test and spent a night in custody not so long ago.

This is also the same Jim Kenyon who accused Councillor Dodson of being responsible for the perimeter fence being moved at the Wanneville allotments, which then endangered the school children and also enabled full highway access to be achieved to the land behind.

Ferret believes this was the real reason that the fence was repositioned.

Who was then actually responsible?

It was not a council committee as claimed by Alan Draper, unless he has now rewritten minutes of a meeting once again.

It was of course Alan Draper himself.

Ferret finds it strange that he didn’t inform the meeting of this, but then again that would mean revealing that Jim Kenyon had just lied, once again to the meeting and this community.

Here is the extract from the email he sent in reply to F.O.I. question about the fence:

“Re Wanneville Allotments
The relocating of the fence was an operational matter. The land concerned does not belong to Hemsworth Town Council so it was important that the land accords with the legal land ownership (the land is owned by Wakefield Council)
As Town Clerk I am responsible for day to day operational matters.”
Kind regards


Ferret thinks Draper has well and truly put both feet in it, up to his neck with that whacking great lie to a Freedom of Information Request.

He has admitted he made the decision, an everyday operational matter, that it obviously wasn’t, but he goes further, he invents a defence, the land isn’t Hemsworth’s it’s Wakefield’s.

It’s important the land accords with the legal records he says.

Unfortunately Hemsworth Town Council accounts show that he purchased the land records from the land registry and they clearly show the fence was in the right place and has been for over 25 years and of course it’s not Wakefield’s, it’s been  Hemsworth’s all along.

So who would be the beneficiary of this very benevolent gift of our precious land?

Whoever owns the land it then makes accessible is the answer.

Ferret wonders just who Jim Kenyon has been talking to.

Ferret is pleased that the good Councillors voted for the fence to be returned to its rightful position, and hopes that the Hemsworth Town Council staff will be attending to this as soon as possible.

The Forensic Audit was finally approved. The accounts of Independent Hemsworth Town Council from May 2019 to May 2020 will be fully scrutinised for payments made of over £300.

This was the time period when Independent Hemsworth Town Council cancelled all of the previous Labour Town Councils capital improvements and maintenance schedule, instead diverting all of the money into their self-serving idiotic vanity projects such as the 60’s style pub and the Venga Boys concert.

In addition, Ferret can’t possible forget the personal vendetta Jim Kenyon waged against Saul Construction Limited, but using our money of course.

Finally, once the money was spent, they also proceeded to spend the healthy reserves they had been left by the previous Town Council.

Ferret is sure this Forensic Audit will finally uncover some of the misdemeanours of the “cabal” and can’t wait to read it once published.

The Internal Auditor is to be replaced, the current one is the Eccles’ friend and business acquaintance who they brought in to balance the books of the Lakeside Café when the cabal couldn’t.

This role is pivotal to a Council being fully “open and transparent”.

Ferret will make no comment on why the cabal were more than happy to have Jean’s mate in the role for the last three years, readers can make up their own minds.

Public question time was as usual “entertaining”, Ferret will go into more details of this in tomorrows post.

Finally the items in exclusion:

Councillor Maxine Hird has posted on social media that all the items heard in exclusion have also been passed.

Ferret believes this to be good news and will report in more detail when able to do so.

It should make interesting reading given the items on the agenda included the deferral of the Land Sale at Fitzwilliam and the tenancy of the four bed roomed flat, that now has another guest living for free within. Ferret will mention no names but his name rhymes with Dim…

Important Dates:

Publication Notice Of Election: 23 March 2023

Publication of Candidates: 5 April 2023

Polling Day: 4 May 2023


By Ferret

4 thought on “Independent Hemsworth Town Council Meeting 23 March 2023…”
  1. The saying goes the tide is turning but what our community as endured over the last 4 years as been a huge tidal wave which as left destruction and debt beyond belief.The good councillors hopefully in exclusion used their votes to overcome anything that the cabal were trying to do before May and hopefully matters that have concerned the community greatly will be seen to be resolved.The Community have waited along time to be a community that matters and have a HTC that cares and hopefully in May our VOTES will create a new HTC that is for all and not a certain few.
    Please can you post on FB Thankyou.

  2. Hopefully the forensic audit will be started as a matter of urgency and any wrong doing will be severely punished. There is nothing worse than corruption in public office. How these people can live amongst us is beyond belief. Time is short for them but the law has long arms and the people of our three villages have extremely long memories.

  3. Did the town clerk aquire the land deeds prior to him moving the gates or afterwards?
    And what he calls operational needs, does this refer to him having carte blanch, so in all he doesn’t need councillors approval 🙄
    Any authority the clerk has needs stipping from him, he has clearly demonstrated he is unable to make the right decision.

  4. Draper is unfit for office, he has demonstrated this time and time again and yet he still has the support of some of the non cabal councillors.
    Unbelievable and unacceptable in any circumstances.

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