Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

So, Mr Draper has finally managed to find the time to publish the accounts for December 2022.

Readers will no doubt remember the Forensic Audit which was agreed in a Town Council meeting which was subsequently downgraded to a non-forensic audit.

The non-forensic was conducted by an accountant, chosen by non-other than the people who were supposedly being scrutinised.

We were given a number of reasons why this course of action had been taken, none of which were believable in the slightest, including the cost.

The cost has now been released in the accounts.

The non-forensic audit undertook by KL King Accountants cost £6324.

£324 MORE than the full forensic audit which was ordered by Jim Kenyon into the ‘Last Lot’…

By Ferret

3 thought on “The cost of the non-forensic audit…”
  1. I would like to applaud councillor Moran and councillor Hird for all their continued hard work and dedication into trying to put right and undo the last 4 years of disastrous,wastage of spending of the communities money by the Independant councillors that have run HTC .Their commitment to serving our community and trying to sort the massive financial mess we as a community now find we are in as the budget for 23/24 is going to be dire due to the overindulgent,vanity project spending of the Independent councillors deserves a huge Thankyou to both good councillors .
    The Town Clerk we must remember is the person who as allowed and signed all the finances and now the good councillors are left trying to put right and clear the mess up and this is before May and hopefully any wrong doings will be brought to light .If a Forensic Audit is now required the cost will be well worth it
    Please can you post this on the FB page.Thankyou.

  2. I’m sure if councillors could turn back time they would , but hindsight is a wonderful thing and we are were we are, still unanswered questions and a non full disclosure report. Mowing forward I believe the full report will be disclosed at some point. Again will say when the parishioners insist there elected councillors carry out there wishes, they must do so Wonder if it will be revealed what the town clerk gave the auditors to check ?

  3. Anonymous the Town Clerk will have handed over only what he was ordered by Kenyon and co to hand over which were probably the if any squeaky clean invoices etc.The full debacle of the last 4 years disastrous spending will hopefully come into the clear light after May if the correct councillors take control of the HTC and bring in full forensic auditors .
    The public as we have seen at meetings and by posts are now frustrated also as are the good councillors and many now are taking the blinkers off and want answers,hopefully they will be coming soon and we the community can put an end to the last 4 horrendous years and VOTE for the right councillors who will work to put our community back together.VOTES are the changes we now need to rebuild a community to be proud of once again.

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