Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Today, Remembrance Day, marks the day World War One ended, at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month, in 1918.

Remembrance Sunday is also marked each year, this falls on the second Sunday in November.

Remembrance Sunday is a national opportunity to remember the service and sacrifice of all those that have defended our freedoms and protected our way of life.

We remember the Armed Forces, Merchant Seamen, and their families, from Britain and the Commonwealth, the vital role played by the emergency services and all those in civilian life who have lost their lives as a result of conflict or terrorism.

Many have paid the ultimate price and others have suffered with life changing injuries, both visible and invisible.

This Saturday will also see some services or ceremonies of remembrance being held.

Our thoughts are not only with all those who have suffered to protect our way of life but also their families and loved ones who have had to endure their loss and suffering.

Words cannot express the thanks that need to be sent to the Royal British Legion, their members, our churches and to all other individuals and causes who work tirelessly to ensure this much needed work and fund raising to support our veterans, remains in the public eye.

Services and parades will be held in Fitzwilliam, Kinsley and Hemsworth this Sunday.

In Hemsworth the parade will leave from outside the community centre at 9:15 am to arrive at Saint Helen’s Church where the First World War memorial is sited.

Please feel free to join in and show your support.

The service will be conducted by Father Robert Hart with readings by members of our community.

It will be followed by a parade back to the new memorial where the salute will be taken and more wreaths laid.

All are welcome.

As a mark of respect Ferret will cease posting until Monday the 14th November…

By Ferret

One thought on “A Time to Honour Reflect and Remember…”
  1. I am utterly appalled to hear that the memorials have not been suitable maintained or cleaned in readiness for today.
    Yes I know the parades are on Remembrance Sunday but some people also want to show their respects today.
    Where are the councillors that represent kinsley and why are they not sorting this. They should be ashamed.

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