Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

At the beginning of the meeting held on the 3 November 2022, Hemsworth Town Councillor, Shaun Middleton, blamed social media for the council now being a “laughing stock”.

Strong words and point scoring seemed to be his order of the night, so upset was he that he was going to the police, apparently.

Erm thinks Ferret; they may be a problem or two with that.

Who has actually made this council a laughing stock?

Is it the factual reporting of their actions or inactions as the case may be?

After all who raised the community’s awareness of what was going on under the Independent cabal led Hemsworth Town Council?

Was it the councillors or social media reporting?

Yes that’s right Social media.

There are sections of social media that are also a laughing stock, to use Councillor Middleton’s words, and that is the profiles which are posting blatant lies that are really too daft to laugh at.

Ferrets advice – Don’t feed the trolls (or badgers).

There are 2 main points that have led to this current state of affairs:

  1. The self-serving and disastrous financial and abusive actions of the cabal led councillors.
  2. The failure of the other councillors themselves, to make the community aware of the exact nature and extent of the causes of concern.

There is also another valid point that needs to be mentioned on social media as it seems the silence is deafening from the council chamber and that is from May 2022 the non cabal councillors have had control of the majority of seats on most of the committees and yet what have they done to rectify or reverse any of the actions taken by Kenyon and the Eccles etc?

Ferret can think of little or nothing, but worse still when they had the chance to have a full forensic audit undertaken into the cabal’s actions, Councillor Moran, fully supported by Councillor Middleton threw that opportunity away.

This was seen as a shocking decision by many in this community.

Since the last by-election, the decent councillors now outnumber what is left of the diminishing cabal, and yet still no action, no leadership is being shown except mainly by one councillor, Councillor Maxine Hird who has tried to muster support to reverse some of the cabal actions on more than one occasion but Ferret believes others have for some reason, blocked these.

Talk is easy, as is doing nothing, point scoring remedies nothing.

The time for definitive action is long overdue, let’s hear words aimed at the perpetrators, the cabal, and not at the messengers revealing the truth.

Do the job that you have been elected to do, represent the people and rid this community of the real problems the cabal have caused.

Hemsworth Town Council: The Truth Hurts or more accurately the revealing the truth really hurts some people.

By Ferret

One thought on “Hemsworth Town Council: The Truth Hurts…”
  1. Truth is what this community deserves and now more than ever the very good councillors must work as a team ,work for what they were elected to do and serve their community.Now is the time to stand and vote together bring the not so community councillors down,we as a community have taken our blinkers off,we watch.we listen,we check and we monitor the goings on in the HTC and to be able to do this we need social media and to see and read the facts that have been covered up and hidden since 2019.Time now all you good councillors to pull together and support each other it is not a I councillor you can be a brilliant team and work together to bring in the changes and put our community back to what it can be a safe community and together it’s up to the good councillors who were elected to do this ,bring in the changes ,vote for what is right and remember we as parishioners will VOTE for the right councillors we TRUST.

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