Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret readers will no doubt recall the post about the large tent that Independent Hemsworth Town Council purchased, which cost you £7199.99.

What was and still is very alarming, as with everything else which Mr Jim Kenyon and Independent Hemsworth Town Council have procured, was that no business case was put together and the tent which they purchased cost a whopping £2,690 more than any other one listed on the Gala Tent website.

It then transpired that a further £1200 had been spent on “repairs” of it.

Readers of the original post commented even back then, that they had very rarely seen it being used, one commenting at the time, that they had only seen it being used for Councillor Gordon Eccles birthday party.

At the Hemsworth Town Council meeting held on 24 March 2022, Mr Jim Kenyon, then the Chair, was asked a question regarding the Marquee.

Mr Jim Kenyon was questioned about the costs involved with erecting and dismantling the Marquee, his response “It’s was all done in house”.

Ferret put aside the fact that anything done “in house” obviously incurs a cost whether that be in staffing or the fact that when completing these tasks they are taken away from their daily routine of jobs.

How right and costly that statement has proven to be.

Having looked through the accounts it became apparent that Independent Hemsworth Town Council had actually paid £300 to have the Gala Tent erected by “Chris Winterbourne Your Event”.

Lie after lie once again, but it got worse, digging deeper into trouble with more lies, Kenyon stated that the contractor was very late arriving on site so it was correct that the work was done in house.

So why had we paid him £300 of community money?

This remains unanswered to this day.

Why has Ferret resurrected this issue?

Because at the Hemsworth Town Council meeting held 4 August 2022, it was raised to reinstate some artistes appearing at the Lakeside Café Bar.

Very surprisingly, the new Chair and long term supporter of the 60’s Public House the “cabal” have created, Councillor Jean Eccles was dead set against it.

Even more surprising was that Jim Kenyon didn’t actively support the idea.

Odd, in actual fact very odd, thought Ferret as excuses as to why not came from certain unexpected people – the same ones who usually revel in the expectation of more potential “cash” income.

Then again thought Ferret, whether rain or shine, this type of event would obviously benefit from the use of a gala tent wouldn’t it?

When questioned by a member of public at the meeting as to why the gala tent wasn’t available, it was met with a deadly silence.

Maybe it’s playing hide and seek with District Councillor Ian Womersley?

Will Jean offer a £5000 reward to anyone who can tell us where it is hiding or perhaps being used elsewhere?

Ferret knows one thing for certain, it will reappear as soon as it needs, repairing again.

Independent Hemsworth Town Council: You Go, I Go, Just Where is Our Gazebo?

By Ferret

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