Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

The Blatant cheek and Outrageous disregard of Hemsworth Town Council Decisions, it’s Councillors and Most Importantly, this Community.

A resident raised the following questions at last night’s Hemsworth Town Council Meeting:


To receive questions (pertaining to the committee’s remit) from members of the public.

Resident: Have we brought in a forensic auditor? When and who is it?

Alan Draper – An Accountant on Kirkby Road Hemsworth.

Resident – They are not forensic auditors?

Alan Draper  – Amply qualified.

Resident – In your opinion. So you haven’t brought in a forensic auditor?

Alan Draper – Yes.

What is the difference between an auditor and a forensic accountant?

While auditors are tasked with determining whether a company’s financial statements offer a fair assessment of its current position, forensic accountants are instructed to do the exact opposite.

Forensic accountants are specifically deployed to uncover cases of fraud.

Forensic Auditing has established itself as dynamic and strategic tool in combating corruption, financial crimes and frauds through investigations and resolving allegations of fraud and embezzlement

Independent Hemsworth Town Council did agree to a “Forensic Audit of their Activities”

Yet they have engaged: K L King Accountants and they are not Forensic qualified auditors.

Ferret’s worst fears have been confirmed.

Also worrying is, there were no objections raised by any Councillor to this undemocratic snub to their own and Hemsworth Town Council’s decision making process.

Even on the night in question, Alan Draper and Jim Kenyon blatantly disregarded the meeting’s decision and openly spoke of bringing in a non-forensic qualified accountant.

Ferret raised concerns as to why this was unacceptable and hoped that the good and decent councillors would insist that the Town Council resolution should be adhered to.

Even the new Chair of Finance, Donna Moran raised no objections.

How strange?

One of the best forensic auditors in the Country “Frenkels” was brought in by Jim Kenyon, with our money of course, to investigate the last Labour council, following his years of extensive lying about them.

No local firm, only the best would do then it was that important.

So what is the difference this time?

It’s Kenyon and the cabal under investigation of course.

And just to highlight once again:

“While auditors are tasked with determining whether a company’s financial statements offer a fair assessment of its current position, forensic accountants are instructed to do the exact opposite. Forensic accountants are specifically deployed to uncover cases of fraud.”

Just what are THEY afraid of?

Ferret believes we all know the answer to that one.

This will be more of our money wasted and a proper Forensic investigation will need to be undertaken after next May’s elections…

Here is Ferrets previous post when these disturbing actions were first mentioned:

By Ferret

3 thought on “Alan Draper, Independent Hemsworth Town Council and The Not so Forensic Audit…”
  1. So not only have they hired a regular auditor NOT a forensic auditor, they have hired someone said to be independent but they are still from the town. Then, why have NO other councillors objected to this? Why? Surely they know it’s wrong,surely it’s not the correct person for the job? Why have they allowed this to happen?

  2. Why the rush? They’re leaving next year we all know that or should do. Any incoming new administration will then be free to do exactly what they did on arriving in office and appoint an appropriate truly independent firm of forensic accountants like Frenkels. Did or do folk think they’re going to appoint someone who may tell them something they may not wish to hear in essence they’re being asked to investigate themselves. We all know some decisions taken by the cabal have not or ever did take place under due democratic process and have been aquiesced to and agreed to by existing councilors for reasons only known to them their maybe very valid reasons they did so and we should remember that.
    Personally I think the whole idea of holding a forensic inquiry whilst they’re still in office is daft and should be put on the back burner. If as expected it gave them a clean bill of health any further inquiry that questioned their propriety would be met with “well our accountants don’t say that”. Don’t give them that opportunity

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