Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Once again, last night’s Hemsworth Town Council Meeting descended into what Ferret can only describe as “Chaos”.

The current Chair, multi-millionaire Jean Eccles berated fellow Councillors and members of the public on a number of occasions particularly taking offense at one question regarding her constant breaching of the Nolan Principles.

Ferret has posted previously about the Nolan Principles. These not only apply to our local Councillors but also to the Prime Minister and everyone one who holds public office in between.

Martin Lewis the “Moneysaving Expert” shared the 7 Nolan principles on Twitter recently. Here is a copy of his Tweet:

Ferret wonders if he has been looking into the ongoing debacle at Independent Hemsworth Town Council!

Jean Eccles refused to answer any questions relating to this topic and called the member of the public a “liar” and that his views are not representative of the Community. She also threatened to have him removed from the meeting if he dared to asked another question!

Ferret has to wonder if maybe being the Chair of the Council has led Jean to “Jimmy Land”

Ferret believes that this Community has had enough of the “cabal” and can’t wait for the elections in May 2023 to once and for all remove the stain of the cabal and consign it to history.

Maybe Jimmy would like to “bet” on it?

There was just too much from this meeting to share within one post on Ferret and more will follow over the coming days.

The Muppets would be proud…

By Ferret

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