Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Ferrets Predictions for the coming year:

If Kenyon is re-elected as Chair of Hemsworth Town Council:

  • The Waterpark will become even more run down, costly and unloved, the sixties pub, with “Record Income”  will continue making huge losses despite its full overheads being hidden elsewhere.
  • The Eccles’s will still want a lift installing without a business plan of course, for the none existent users, just in case a deserving and entitled couple reappear and just reluctantly want to give our Waterpark a new home, complete with CCTV and gated access.
  • All the land sales at Fitzwilliam will once again be on the agenda, and the children at the school will remain in danger until the fencing is put back in its proper place.
  • More secret meetings will take place with the developers and others.
  • The Nolan Principles of conduct in Public Service will continue to be disregarded.
  • Freebies to residents will be the order of the year, grants will flow like water and we may even be promised a precept reduction for the following year.

Anyone would think there was an election on the horizon in May 2023!

Heaven help the successful Councillors who have to follow, who will have to put right all the misdeeds and neglect that the cabal leave in their wake and on a reduced precept too.

The cabal will be voted out of existence and remain a very unpleasant memory for all of us, for many years to come, especially when we have to start picking up the bills.

For the Chair of Hemsworth Town Council, do we really need a rude compulsive liar, a man who circulates false malicious election material, someone who denies freedom of speech and ignores standing orders, rules and regulations, someone who has dragged this township down into the gutter?

So Councillors:

  • Linda Pringle
  • Stanley Wilson
  • Gordon Eccles
  • Jean Eccles

Ferret fully expects that you will continue with your mindless and self-serving allegiance for Jim Kenyon and raise your hands as he directs and you want to.


Do we need someone new, who can start to repair the damage that he has done, this year rather next year when the electors will do what is necessary and remove him from office, along with those associated with him, but it needs more votes now to start to bring some decency and normality back to our Town Council and to our Community.

So Councillors:

  • Shane Folletti
  • Eric Mitchell
  • Graham Hirst

You have one last chance in the lifetime of this Council to redeem yourselves and your reputations, in the eyes and minds of your own Community.

Supporting Kenyon will lead to further mayhem, division, damage and cost.

Are you prepared to face the backlash when it comes, even if it’s another year of waiting, it will inevitably come, as we have just seen in the District Council Elections, the electors have had more than enough.

A cost that may come back to bite you hard in your own pockets as well as your reputations for many years to come…

By Ferret

One thought on “Kenyon: Is He Fit To Be The Chair of Hemsworth Town Council? Day 11…”
  1. Please can you tell me where it is written that an Independent has to be Chair? It’s not supposed to be a Party. They stood as Independents. Actually, the largest party is Labour.

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