Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Ferret is pleased to announce that Labour candidate Melanie Jones has been elected with an overwhelming majority to serve as District Councillor in Ward 7, which covers Hemsworth, Kinsley, Fitzwilliam and South Hiendley.

Ferret would like to offer massive congratulations to Mel…

Results in full:

Melanie JonesLabour1752
Lyn MortonGreen604
Eammon MullinsConservative461

By Ferret

2 thought on “Ward 7 District Election Result…”
  1. You mean people ignored the literature that was flytipped round our streets. Oh dear cabal the parishioners didn’t believe you.

  2. Old habits die hard, not mentioning any names but once a liar always a liar springs to mind.

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