Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Tonight is the reconvened meeting of last weeks Town Council Meeting, which ended abruptly for members of the public as Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair Independent Hemsworth Town Council “flounced” off, as he once again couldn’t accept his lies were being exposed by the good, honest members of the public who were in attendance.

He was quickly followed by Jean Eccles, Gordon Eccles and Stan Wilson, but as Mr Kenyon doesn’t know the rules and the regulations he didn’t actually close the meeting correctly before stomping off in what can only be described as a toddler tantrum. (Ferret would like to apologise to any toddlers reading this post)

Ferret can’t actually understand why the meeting didn’t continue without them, by simply electing a new Chair and carry on, as would be normal procedure in the absence of both the Chair and Vice Chair – maybe Mr Alan Draper could take time away from the shredding and enlighten us all?

There are rumours abound that this may be Mr Jim Kenyon’s last meeting as Chair, him making the decision to jump before the reality check of the much anticipated Parish meeting on the 12 April 2022 which him and Mr Draper have kept delaying, which will finally put his position to a public vote.

Mr Kenyon and some of his Independent lackies may feel him no longer being Chair – Independent Hemsworth Town Council is enough.

Ferret would beg to differ.

Whilst ever he or his lackies remain in or around Hemsworth Town Council they are a danger to our assets and our funds.

Ferret, alongside the good people of this community have come together since July 2021 to expose the lies of Kenyon, Womersley, Eccles, Eccles, Wilson and others.

Over 1000 people per day are reading Ferrets’ post.

Over 1000 people will no doubt agree with Ferret and the word RESIGN.

By Ferret

One thought on “Kenyon – Will the wanderer return…”
  1. how did it go i didnt make it for 2 reasons took ill n someone said it could be symptoms of corona so i took decision to isolate again plus my motor and mobility scooter are both off road at moment n in for repairs i am still emailing though without reply i hasten to add both Draper and Kenyon refuse to reply to emails or phone calls/texts

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