Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Ferret has posted previously regarding Independent Hemsworth Town Council failing to take any legal advice and going ahead with construction of a storage unit and gate at the side of Councillor Jean and Gordon Eccles home at the entrance to the Waterpark off Hoyle Mill Road in Kinsley.

As a result of this, Wakefield Council contacted Independent Hemsworth Town Council in December 2021 requesting that they either removed/demolished the structure or sought retrospective planning permission.

Ferret can reveal that now, some three months later Independent Hemsworth Town Council have failed to do either of these things.

It seems to Ferret, that like with a number of other issues which have been reported, Mr Jim Kenyon – Chair, Independent Hemsworth Town Council and some of his colleagues seem to believe they are above the law and have an extremely reckless attitude with regards to the law and the spending of public (YOUR) money.

Wakefield Council have been left with no option but to follow the legal route to ensure Independent Hemsworth Town Council comply with the laws of the land, this can include the option of Wakefield Council demolishing and charging Independent Hemsworth Town Council for the privilege.

Obviously, any action that Wakefield Council takes comes at a cost, a cost paid by YOU through your Council Tax.

So, YOU have paid for the structures, paid for them to be erected, paid for Wakefield Council to enforce the law and will inevitably pay for them to be removed and the legal costs which come with it.

Just why does Mr Jim Kenyon and some of his Independent colleagues believe the law does not apply to them…

By Ferret

5 thought on “Enforcement action…”
  1. It’s beyond the joke,.is there anything these idiots do that is lawful? When are they going to realise that this has to stop. Do they realise they will still have to live in the community they’re bankrupting, among the people they’ve lied and cheated to. Surely even they know at some point they will become so hated in the community it will be impossible to stay living amongst us. Or are they really of the mind that they are invincible.
    I just can’t get my head around all this anymore, Even in their own warped, entitled idiotic minds they must know they will be caught out and it will come to an end and they will be the most despised people in the community.
    The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that they need sectioning they are beyond dangerous.

  2. We’ve got to assume that those councillors who are still supporting are either, thick or totally involved and in agreement with Kenyon. It’s hard to understand how anyone could still believe any thing that comes out of his mouth. He’s still lies at every council meeting even though it’s being recorded now. He just can’t stop.

  3. Suggest you all watch the video on this site 3rd December 2021 – 1.00 in
    IMO they’d already engaged a planning firm before brought to the meeting on 2nd December even though on the agenda to vote on.

  4. So yet more legal fees going towards a lost cause – but without any specific budget provision. Maybe they intend to raid even more from the reserves pot before they finally get voted out. Ridiculous behaviour. Total contempt. Does he not realise that normally developed adults learn from their mistakes, to become better decision makers? Even kids understand that mistakes are an accepted way of learning. Is he blind in one part of his brain? Is there a bit missing? Yes, I’m beginning to think he has a proper mental condition – maybe he’s not medically fit to hold the office of Councillor? Now I’m rambling!

  5. Is there a bit of his brain missing?, yes the big bit between his ears me thinks

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