Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

As Ferret readers will recall, after the Lakeside cafe and children’s indoor pay area was converted, at considerable expense, to Mr Jim Kenyon’s dream sixties pub, the previous internal auditor was unable to make the books balance, following cash becoming a repeated and favoured method of payment for goods and services.

The new auditor that was appointed by Independent Hemsworth Town Council was a Mr Simon Knee.

The same Mr Simon Knee that was Secretary at AG and HG Groundworks, owned by Hemsworth Town Councillors Gordon and Jean Eccles.

There are special rules that apply to Councillors and they must declare an interest, either pecuniary or non-pecuniary as the case may be in any Council business they are involved with, to avoid either personal benefit or the appearance of personal benefit for themselves or family etc.

The Eccles’ appeared to have complied with this requirement and they declared a pecuniary interest in this item. In doing this, they are obliged to leave the room and take no part in any discussion that takes place.

However, Ferret can reveal that the Eccles’ failed to leave the room and by their staying, is without a doubt contrary to the regulations and would obviously pressurise the other Councillors in the decision they had to make to appoint Mr Knee or not.

In the light of this:

  • Why did Gordon and Jean Eccles remain the room in contravention of the regulations?
  • Why didn’t Mr Draper, the Town Clerk advise them of their duty to leave the meeting room?

Coming Thursday to Ferret…The full financial impact of the completed Saul agreement on our Township and as Cilla would say: Surprise, Surprise, it’s not as Jimmy would have you believe…

By Ferret

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