Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

The Frenkel Report – Released in full

This includes the previously missing redacted section 3, withheld by Mr Jim Kenyon, Chair – Independent Hemsworth Town Council

Here is the Frenkel report, that has now very reluctantly been released by Independent Hemsworth Town Council following pressure brought by you the precept payers.

As expected, like the rest of the report, Section 3 was based on allegations that had been raised against the previous Town Council by Mr Jim Kenyon.

It comes as no surprise to Ferret that the forensic auditor was unable to find anything and asked for additional information to be supplied, complete with “confirmation and supporting evidence…”.

Ferret can confirm none was able to be supplied because no fraud had taken place or perhaps it may be in Kenyon’s loft along with his “qualifications” or realistically all in his head where it should have stayed.

What Ferret finds absolutely astounding is that:

  • Jim Kenyon has known for years he made up the accusation of the missing £50,000
  • He has seen all the documentation from all sources especially legal, surrounding the advance payment of the section 106 money
  • He has seen with his own eyes the improvement work completed on Cemetery road where it was spent.
  • On his election in May 2019 all the documentation was available for him to see first-hand in Hemsworth Town Council offices
  • He even failed to show his legal teams and Forensic Auditor that evidence
  • He failed to disclose that evidence to his fellow Councillors
  • He even tried to prove a lie he had made up
  • He wasted £6000 of our money on hiring the Forensic Auditor to “prove” his lies.

Ferret would expect all of those Councillors that supported the vote to undertake the expensive Forensic report based on Kenyon lies, to resign along with Kenyon.

If, however they themselves were misled and they now accept the truth about how deceitful and obnoxious Mr Jim Kenyon is. At the very least, Ferret would expect them to send a vote of no confidence his way and stop all further spending he may be entitled to make until he goes.

Ferret would also expect them all to offer a public apology to all those people that have been wronged by blindly following the doctrines of the Lord of the Lies; Kenyon…

By Ferret

5 thought on “Kenyon: Lord of The Lies…”
  1. No wonder he wanted it kept hidden, Kenyon’s lies are all catching up with him. I wonder who’ll get the blame for this. Back into hiding JoKe no doubt.

  2. I think these people need to be re-engaged pronto then again maybe not because to try and sort the current accounts out it would probably cost sixty grand

  3. Is there a stream of last night’s meeting anywhere?

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