Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret has just returned home to my burrow following tonight’s meeting, it was nice to get out into the lovely clean air that is available in Hemsworth, particularly around Cross Hills.

I was able to meet up with some good old friends and some not so nice ones, including Mr Strafford and Mr Pringle, who really need to learn some manners.

It is clear Mr Kenyon will still not accept he is wrong when faced with facts. He continues to lie to the precept payers of the Township in almost all areas, which is good news for Ferret and the additional content it provides.

I would like to thank Councillor Hardacre who did respond to the question regarding himself and the work that was carried out on his garden by Hemsworth Town Council employees. When the Chair – Mr Kenyon stated it was in return for his hard work at the Waterpark with the raised beds, he had to be corrected by Mr Hardacre that it was because he was a pensioner and had paid his £5 so was entitled to it. Ferret has to believe that one of the stories may be true.

Ferret is pleased to be able to share with my readers that Mr Kenyon supports local businesses such as “Tesco”. The multinational company who he tried (and failed) to stop building a store in Hemsworth.

Finally, I am bitterly disappointed that the Chair – Mr Jim Kenyon, failed to fully answer any of the questions submitted by Ferret and my readers during the meeting tonight.

However, Mr Kenyon did state “We will write an answer to these questions but it may take some time”.

I will email the Clerk – Mr Draper tomorrow morning to make him aware I require the answers to my questions as part of a Freedom of Information Request, to ensure a timely response.



By Ferret

14 thought on “Tonight’s Meeting…”
  1. I found the meeting disappointing and feel that we know no more than we already did. IW the ex cllr, is still in hiding and hasn’t got the guts to explain why he has resigned. Let people find out naturally, what a load of 🐂💩. Anyhow goodnight, and did you go in disguise seeing as HTC know who you are? They obviously didn’t spot you in the crowd 😂😎

  2. I’m commenting on this post as I’ve been asked numerous times tonight if I’m the ferret. I’m not, but we have very similar values.
    I was intrigued that I was the ONLY member of the audience to be asked to state my full name before my question was answered.
    I was told to be quiet by two men on the front row.
    I was interrupted by the chair on numerous occasions.
    I had to ask the chair to stop answering questions I hadn’t asked.
    I have never in my entire working life experienced the frustration I did tonight.

  3. re Hardacres garden, looks to me like kenyon slipped up and was “corrected” by Hardacre, I was refused to be allowed on the garden scheme even though I have lived here all my life and I am a pensioner. The reason, because I am not infirm as well. So as Mr Hardacre has openly admitted being fit enough to do gardening at the waterpark this scheme should not be open to him. Also the scheme only covers cutting one hedge and a lawn cut, I’ve been told a lot more than this was done to hardacres garden. One rule for us that pay the precept and another rule for the ones that spend it.

  4. Two of the followers shouted to sell The Fitzwilliam Centre. They clearly only care about Hemsworth & Football.

  5. what a disgrace this chair is, caught out lying even with replies to his chosen questions, he can’t even keep to the same story on practiced answers. I can picture him stood all day in front of his mirror spouting his lies in preparation to bamboozle his audience!!!! well didn’t work Jimmy long nose, what a dick head you are

  6. it transpire a female audience member as received threats as a consequence of questions she raised also interesting i w has not retired from his paid position errm says it all about him, time tis cabal was removed imho

  7. Ah thank you, though I’d imagined what I had been told last night.

  8. any idea when or indeed if there is a next meeting might attend as the live stream is so poor

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