Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret has been contacted by a number of people who have been blocked by Hemsworth Town Council for reading and commenting on their Facebook pages.

One person in particular had been blocked when asking a simple question:

“What are the opening times of the Lakeside Café Bar?”

When they contacted the Clerk to the Council Mr Draper, he confirmed the person had indeed been blocked from the pages by Head of Security – Sam Knowles (who now seems to have a further job).

Mr Draper confirmed he would ensure the access was reinstated but said:

“Please bear in mind to keep comments positive and if you have any complaints, please refer them to me.”

CENSORSHIP – Didn’t see that in their manifesto…

By Ferret

16 thought on “Free speech – Not if Hemsworth Town Council have anything to do with it…”
  1. So the simple question of what are the opening times is looked upon as negative confirms one thing to me, they don’t want us the precept payers using.OUR facilities.
    Why is Sam Knowles deciding who can comment on the page. Taking being s bouncer and kept woman a bit too far.

  2. There’s many many more things that’s happening, that wasn’t in their manifesto, none for the benefit of the community. Jobs for family and “friends” with multiple job roles, dubious purchases, questionable appointments, council resources being used for councillors’ benefit, councillors companies being used to supply goods, petty cash payments at record highs, cash payments for services, repair and purchases out of control, some even into thousands of pounds. Councillors and cronies drinking the Lakeside dry no doubt with short arms that won’t reach the money in their pockets. Cash only being accepted for “services” from the public, at the park with no receipts. Vendetta litigation that’s already cost us thousands and a big one on the horizon that’s going to bankrupt us win or lose. Kenyon Womersley and their lackeys are having a Beano.

  3. I’m not sure some members of HTC really understand how social media works.
    The chair used to be a prolific poster on a page called ‘hemsworth chat and debating society’ his sole aim appeared to be to convince folk that the Labour Party in particular those related to the last Labour town council were corrupt. Long rants about how TRICKETT ‘spends too much time in London’ and how we should all be voting INDEPENDENT.
    Sometimes these conversations got heated, he really didn’t like Labour supporters calling him out on some of the crap he spouted, he liked it even less when these supporters were women. There was one young woman on there he seemed to think worked for the Labour Party and his rants to her were rather bizarre, another he became convinced he knew her parents after stalking her page and made some rather odd observations, he didn’t know them, it was all very odd.
    Now anyone who is the slightest bit internet savvy knows that anything you send or post digitally can never truly be deleted. In fact they teach this in primary schools. You can go and delete a tweet or a Facebook comment but you can pretty much guarantee if you’ve made yourself look stupid, someone will have taken a screenshot.
    The chair possibly doesn’t understand this as at some point in the last few months around 90 % of the comments he made have been deleted, painstakingly so I would imagine as he’s not simply left the group, just deleted all his rants.
    I’m sure the ferret could get hold of some of the screenshots people took at the time.
    In fact some of them were sent off as complaints against the chair.
    Nothing was done.
    Rather interesting considering the recent post from the town clerk regarding social media. A case of don’t do what I do maybe?

  4. I read all the comments here. They are great with good valid points and cracking questions.
    Kenyon is putting on an extraordinary showpiece meeting as he is gambling on people not turning up.
    I understand going up in person has its drawbacks.
    First of all there are certain people in life individuals do their best to avoid.

    In which case you can write a letter or email in to the Clerk for it to be read at the meeting and they don’t read out your names or haven’t done so in the past.

    I’d encourage to get those emails in.

    There are 3 questions put up for public questions
    1) Kirkby Road Sports Complex
    2) Hemsworth Waterpark
    3) Councillors conduct
    Town Clerk Alan Draper: 01977 617617

    A little birdie told me that the local Express has started to take an interest.

  5. I wondered when the media would start to become interested. Bring it on.

  6. I remember when Hemsworth chat and debate, society first started and it was a good site. Sadly it was hijacked by the local fascists and hate mongers and merely became ,a organ and mouthpiece where those of a similar bent could voice their bile and vitriol. I’m amazed that, ,such a hate page was ,or still is, ,allowed to continue

  7. Hi Sharon I agree with what you say, but surely the first questions should be about his lies to the electors after all he built his manifesto on allegations of fraud and dishonesty of the previous council going back over 10 years. The Frenkle report he commissioned cleared them, he kept it under wraps for over 2 years. He should have then resigned. Then there’s his claims to be a qualified teacher, lecturer builder etc, all again deliberate lies to mislead the voters. Again he should resign over this alone. This man is discredited and a disgrace and not fit for office. Yes all the other issues need dealing with but once a liar always a liar needs to be forefront in everyone’s mind. Kenyon will prefer to continue his lies about the other issues to divert from the serious ones already proven and those he can’t substantiate.

  8. I also wonder why Mr Kenyon wants to provide answers verbally – surely if you have nothing to hide all answers could also be provided in writing along with the proof to refute any allegations?

  9. I would hazard a guess that as is with work if it’s in writing it has to be true or it must have happened, so working on we have these procedures in place it says so on this piece of paper. But wether that actually happens is another thing. So if it isn’t on paper with Kenyon it didn’t happen, so if he verbally replies he can dentist and his lackies will back him up. Sorry hope that makes sense.

  10. Criticism is part of their job description
    If they were open and transparent as they say they are they would actually embrace the Criticism and turn it round
    Councillors are there for the communities and the people of that community not for themselves
    Nothing they do is for the community there should be a people vote on things they suggest and if the people say no it should be abided by
    Things should be decided on the risk they pose and whether they better the community
    A 80,000 one day concert that is failing badly is not a betterment
    80,000 could have gone towards new parks for the children in all the areas
    Play world could have been up graded
    The lakes could have been sorted
    The piles of rubbish they have piled everywhere could be moved from sight
    If you add the money they have spent/wasted on solicitors of their hair brain schemes of trying to defaminate ex employees/ members of the public that ask questions/sauls then the possibilities could be enormous
    They bleat on about how wakefield has forgotten about us for years yet they spend the very little money we get on their games
    I truly hope people are waking up to what is happening
    The people CAN get these out it is possible before its too late
    Call for the resignation of Kenyon
    Stand up and stop them before it is too late
    15,000 people in our community
    CALL FOR KENYON ECCLES ECCLES TO RESIGN and the rest of their yes men will follow

  11. I have thought on many occasions about the irony of them complaining about the money owed to us from wmdc and then them recklessly squandering the money we do have.

  12. If speech is free is that why worthless womersley and kalamity Kenyon have lost their voices?
    Tell them they need to spend our money on it and they’ll be shouting their lies from the rooftops to anyone stupid enough to listen.

  13. HTC taken it to another level, can’t give negative feed back on HTC FB page you need to email the clerk if your not happy with something.
    Now only certain residents are invited to meetings – that affects the whole of Hemsworth not just a certain area.

  14. It certainly seems that way. What are they trying to hide? More Lies? Will Councillor Womersley turn up, or is he still playing hide and seek?

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