Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret has recently been made aware that Independent Hemsworth Town Council have once again reduced the opening hours of the Lakeside Café Bar. This service is now only opening five days per week and on reduced hours.

This is the facility which Mr Jim Kenyon Chair – Independent Hemsworth Town Council instructed the Clerk to the Council to convert from a Café at “Whatever the cost”.

We now know that this conversion cost you £63224.64.

In addition to this, the Lakeside Café Bar made a loss of £229,208 in the same year.

Ferret would like to remind Mr Jim Kenyon and his follow Independent candidates of their manifesto promise:

“Rejuvenate YOUR Kinsley Water Park, run down for years, up date install a Licensed Bar available for all to celebrate-food vouchers for parking Summer pop Concerts Longer better opening hours to turn around £120,000 a year deficit to a profit. Restock the fishing ponds.”

So Mr Jim Kenyon we used to have a facility open 7 days per week, we’ve now got:

  • A £292,432.64 deficit
  • Gates locked by Councillor Eccles to stop the public accessing their park
  • The Lakeside Café Bar only opening 5 days per week…

By Ferret

12 thought on “Lakeside Café Bar – rejuvenated?”
  1. It shut for a reason and it wasn’t because it was making a profit. You can juggle and massage balance sheets all you want but the bottom line is that place is a loss maker as a pub/eatery it’s day ran out a long time ago. Had anyone with a modicum of common sense gave it some thought done the research sought the advice of reputable business consultants they would have soon arrived at the conclusion it was high risk to downright insane to go ahead with such a project. I wonder would any of the serving councillors have invested their own capital into such a venture I very much doubt so. We’ve lost thousands of pounds which will never be recouped gone forever. The lunatics have taken over the asylum. Do they learn from this do they hell no they set out on another hairbrained lunatic idea to spend even more money on legal fees on a questionable case and God forbid the insane mad hatter’s win they intend to spend even more money in their words “return the old sports complex to its former glory” yeah yeah look at that nine months of the year old pub as done in trying to live past glories. They’re insane the !of of them.

  2. Kalamity Kenyon strikes again, but don’t worry the master puppeteer will pull a few strings and convince his lackeys all is ok and going to plan. By courtesy of lord and lady Eccles at the gate, they’ll now be able to have 2 full days as well as the usual evening lockins at the bar in exclusion of press and public. The money they save on wages can now go into those ever deepening pockets. So no need to worry it’s in safe sticky fingered hands. That is until the lord and lady of the waterpark become the trustees or owners……………. and turf them out as well lol.

  3. Complete and utter idiots led by an imbocile, who tells lie upon lie to whoever will listen. I’ve just seen the notice of the special meeting, anyone else notice that he’ll give verbal answers on the night. Wonder why he won’t commit to answering in writing. He’s not even going to answer pre submitted questions in writing. Obviously he’s going to continue to treat us with total disrespect. Then again even in writing it’ll all be lies. It’s always somebody else’s fault never this worthless pile of craps. He thinks he can talk his way out of anything or when he can’t he runs away and leave the disaster behind him.

  4. And when anyone asks on the Lakeside Facebook page about opening hours as they’re shut early, you get a ban from commenting!

  5. Before the massive spend on the Lakeside by the “independent” crew… what was the state of the place. Was it shut?…was it boarded up?…was it run down?…did it no longer serve snacks/ refreshments? If I remember it was none of the above and it had already had a makeover from the Labour led council !! So WHY was there the need to spend tens of thousands of pounds on what was billed as a “Grand re-opening”!… just wondering…again !

  6. ive been asking i w for years for the feasibility study and management /business plan for the lsb 3 years and waiting as with proof they claimed they had of previous councils fraud

  7. The thing is the lakeside did not have money spent on it (no matter the cost) for us, no. It was done so the Kenyon etc had their own little gentlemen’s club. Venga boys is for Kenyon, if you look at his fb page( if he hasn’t deleted it) you will see he is giddy as hell about them. Dubious man dubious musical taste, what can I say.
    Anything that Kenyon does is for Kenyon. No one else exists in Kenyon’s world.
    He’s a child playing grown ups. Playing councillor, playing teacher, playing builder, playing soldier. If anyone dares says time to put your toys away he folds his arms, stamps his feet and says he’s not playing anymore.
    Unfortunately it’s us who are going to have to go pick up and clean up after him.
    The man is dangerous in his stupidity and his self belief. He’s dangerous to us as a community, to our pockets to our families.
    Until he is completely outed and every other good person in the community realises exactly what he is, we are as a community not safe.
    Rant over.

  8. My theory is that they’ll need the lakeside clubhouse to be the singing & dancing for when it’s turned into a upmarket caravan park – so why not get the community to pay for it before it happens.

  9. You’re spot on there. They’ve turned the lakeside into something nobody really wants.
    I can’t work out what their target clientele is. If you want cheap booze and food you’re also not going to want to walk all the way to the water park as let’s face it it’s not really a short stroll for many.
    If you’re willing to drive for a night out you want decent ambience and decent food.
    It’s not appealing to anyone really apart from that little gang.

  10. I had the same theory about it becoming a holiday park, ‘upmarket’ may be stretching it though, the potential owners may have some brass but they’re all fur coat no knickers

  11. If you really want to see the councillors and how they think and operate this Facebook post from the Hemsworth Town Council page is a big reveal. Watch who gets the act that they want at the Lakeside

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