Hemsworth Town Council Meeting: 1 December 2022…
There is a Town Council Meeting to be held tonight at the Community Centre on Bullenshaw Road, starting at 7pm. Members of the public can attend in person. If you…
There is a Town Council Meeting to be held tonight at the Community Centre on Bullenshaw Road, starting at 7pm. Members of the public can attend in person. If you…
A full Town Council meeting has been called for this Thursday 01/12/22 at 7pm. What’s wrong with that, readers of Ferret may ask? It’s the number of agenda items and…
Act 1 As reported previously, The Jean Eccles called “extra ordinary Hemsworth Town Council meeting” took place last night and as expected Jean Eccles attempted to portray herself and her…
Here is the recording from this evenings Town Council Meeting held on 17 November 2022. Thank you to Lyn Morton for making the recording. The agenda for the meeting is…
There is a Extraordinary Council Meeting to be held tonight at the Community Centre on Bullenshaw Road, starting at 7pm. Members of the public can attend in person. If you…
Here are the recordings from the three Town Council Meetings held on 10 November 2022. Thank you to Lyn Morton for making the recordings. The agendas for the meetings are…
There are three meetings to be held this evening at the Community Centre in Hemsworth. This first at 7pm is a Finance Committee Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84839857826?pwd=K0VCUmY1ZU1EV1doSlRldHRucnRqQT09 This is followed by a…
Here is the Leisure and Recreation Meeting recording from this evening. Thank you to Lyn Morton.
There is a Leisure and Recreation Committee Meeting to be held tonight at the Community Centre on Bullenshaw Road, starting at 7pm. Members of the public can attend in person.…
Here is the recording of the Town Council Meeting held on 13 October 2022. Ferret would like to thank Lyn Morton for making the recording.