Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Yes you read that right, unfortunately…

Apparently it’s acceptable to refer to two members of our Community as the mass murdering duo of Myra Hindley and Ian Brady, isn’t it Councillor Kevin Conway?

This is just one of the numerous vile slurs which have been made by serving and ex Councillors in a ‘chat group’ which they have been using for months.

Ferret accepts that Councillors need a way of communicating, especially when they made the decision to scrap all of the Committee Meetings and moved every decision to a full Town Council meeting.

Ferret wonders who has benefitted most from this arrangement?

Maybe Councillor Stan Bates (Chair) could tell us?

However, Ferret cannot and does not believe that any single resident of Fitzwilliam, Kinsley or Hemsworth would accept that it is appropriate for Councillors to be discussing members of the public in such a derogatory fashion.

The messages which are being shared today, are just a small fraction of the ‘chat group’ which these people have used for a number of months.

As legal action is currently underway, Ferret is unable to share the remainder at this time, but can confirm that some of the messages are even worse than these.

When local residents wanted to hold a meeting at Hemsworth Community Centre, Councillors had other ideas:

We vcould deny facilities – Councillor Kevin Conway

We should deny them use of premisis – Councillor Kevin Conway

Well could use we can’t facilitate meeting due to health and safety and the security staff and police present cant be arranged in such short notice – Councillor Carol Whitehead

Not content with this, we also have certain Councillors who believe it is appropriate to name call local residents:

Vile post from a vile person (relating to Maxine Hird) – Councillor Kevin Conway

Why is hird n her gang of abusers even allowed into hcc… –  Councillor Kevin Conway

Mad max n toxic tina – Councillor Kevin Conway

Fecking pig bully needs outing – Councillor Kevin Conway

Gary is a nasty piece of work – (Ex Councillor) David Pearson

Kendall isn’t fit for office either… – (Ex Councillor) David Pearson

…without tossers making it harder for you. –  (Ex Councillor) Lyn Morton

We also have a discussion around the suspension of Alan Draper (Town Clerk) and his replacement, Stan Bate’s mate Mick McKigney.

It seems to Ferret that Stan Bates (Chair) was not very happy, that his decision to replace Alan Draper was being questioned:

Our enemies believe that Mick’s employment was their moment and went for it…

What these idiots don’t understand…it was at the request of the deputy clerk as he couldn’t cope…

They have been emboldened by a senior member of the Labour Party who posted on fb accusations of corruption by me regarding Micks employment…

So not only was the established Hemsworth Town Council recruitment process not followed, we also have Stan Bates (Chair) admitting that the Deputy Clerk ‘couldn’t cope’!

Maybe someone should explain to Stan what the word DEPUTY means.

It seems former Councillor Shaun (Sid) Middleton is also not well liked. Ferret knows full well why, as he was asking them all questions they didn’t want to answer.

As for Middleton.. He just wants to say anything he can to suggest incompetency and breaking rules. Well he was great as a Councillor wasn’t he? – (Ex Councillor) David Pearson

Middleton and others are in breach of party rules and will not get endorsed…(Councillor) Stan Bates

Thankfully, Shaun Middleton was successful in his bid to become a Councillor – despite the wishes of others who publicly supported and endorsed Ernie Bacon as ‘the only official Labour Party Candidate’ when he WAS NOT and NEVER had been a member of the Labour Party.

Ferret believes an apology is long overdue from the following:

  • Councillor Stan Bates (Chair of Hemsworth Town Council)
  • Councillor Ian McGinnies (Vice Chair of Hemsworth Town Council)
  • Councillor Kevin Conway
  • Councillor Carol Whitehead
  • Councillor Keith Fernie
  • Ex Councillor David Pearson
  • Ex Councillor Lyn Morton

Former Chair Jim Kenyon refused time and time again to apologise for his misdemeanours – Are these new Councillor going to be tarred with the same brush…

By Ferret

One thought on “Brady and Hindley now reside in Hemsworth…”
  1. An apology is definitely due to all the community from the Councillors and ex councillors who have used their chat not for council business but to discuss and plot against our residents.Lets see if decency prevails and an apology is given at tonites HTC meeting 7pm .
    An ex councillor states he is done with LP21 maybe he could attend the meeting and explain his part in the chat .
    Please can you post on Facebook Thankyou.

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