Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret is disgusted and dumbfounded, that a group of Hemsworth Town Council Councillors, ex Councillors and at least one of our District Councillors have been using a social media messaging application to seemingly discuss, in a derogatory fashion both ex Councillors, members of the public, and anything else which takes their fancy.

Ferret would like to point out that the District Councillor involved in this is not Councillor Melanie Jones – who was also a target for these charlatans.

It would actually be easier for Ferret to name the Councillors who have not been involved in this, than the ones that have.

Not only that, these messages have revealed that certain Councillors have proactively tried to put ‘barriers’ in place to stop the good work of the public and volunteers in our area.

This has even included Councillor Kevin Conway suggesting that the campaigners holding a meeting for LP21 should have been refused access to a room at the Community Centre. The Centre that each and every one of us pay for!

“We should deny them use of the premisis” – Councillor Kevin Conway.

Or what about this from Councillor Carol Whitehead: “Well could use we cant facilitate meeting due to health and saftey…”

Some of these disgusting individuals are also members of the Labour Party.

Not only have they breached the ‘Nolan Principles’ they have also breached the Labour Party’s ‘Code of Conduct’.

A good member of our community put a question about this disgusting ‘chat group’ to Councillor Ian McGuiness in the Town Council Meeting held on 19 October 2023.

Councillor McGuiness chaired this meeting in the absence of Councillor Stan Bates (Chair and District Councillor).

Conspicuous by his absence? Maybe Councillor Bates knew what was coming…

This can be viewed here, 48 minutes into the meeting.

Was it warm in the room Councillor McGinnies?

Your face seemed to match the red chairs in the room.

Following the question, Councillor McGinnies threatened to close the meeting on a number of occasions, instead of answering the question.

Was this due to the public in attendance?

Or was it due to Councillor Kevin Conway swearing?

Either way, the question remained unanswered.

Finally, it seems no-one escaped from their chats, even poor little Ferret, who a certain ex-councillor appears to believe he can control!

Well Ferret has news for you, Mr Pearson – You can’t…”old friend”.

Ferret believes that those involved in this should issue an immediate apology and then resign from their positions.

This is exactly what they would have demanded from the ‘cabal’…

By Ferret

One thought on “Group Chat…”
  1. Please could you post on Facebook Thankyou.
    This Chat as a title HTC Councillor Chat and not just serving councillors but ex councillors who have been posting vile and disgusting posts about residents and a hard working District Councillor Melanie Jones.You would think with all the ongoing issues a councillor chat should have been dealing with HTC councillor business but over 300 posts ex councillors and serving preferred to discuss how to stop a residents meeting regarding LP21 a community meeting in a community HCC building.This council who sat and publicly declared their backing and support to the residents even the chair and ward councillor then plot,scheme and discuss how to stop the meeting going ahead.
    I have personally read the posts as have several people and to say I am shocked and disgusted is an understatement.
    We had elderley disabled residents brought in wheelchairs who wanted to have their voices heard ,wanted to ask a question,residents in their 80’s who have lived here all their lives and deserve to be apart of our community and do not deserve to be lied to and certainly do not deserve to have a Councillor saying we should deny them use of the premises,another plotting an excuse to say we cannot get security or police in place WHAT and the leader of the Council saying I don’t think it wise to deny use of the facilities they are members of the community but it’s their baby and we aren’t prepared to be part of it.The very councillors and their ex councillors so called advisors trying to ban,stop and accuse in vile chat posts calling and implying elderley and disabled residents are abusers and abeitors.SHOCKING.Trying to stop community letters being delivered,even trying to book a Labour candidacy meeting the same evening 1/9/23 same time so they would not be able to attend the residents meeting well that backfired it was cancelled but several councillors failed to show their support to this community and didn’t attend the LP21 residents meeting.Ex councillors with so much input on the daily goings on not only in a HTC councillor chat that they should have not been in after their resignations advising on how to ban residents from meetings ,but ex councillors who have been sat in Costa coffee and overheard discussing HTC council business with serving councillors and the acting Town Clerk is definitely not acceptable and a word of advice next time in costa pick your seats carefully and lower your voices you may just be overheard .
    I am a bred and born Kinsley lass ,a miners daughter,proud of my roots,my Dad gave his soul to Kinsley Boys football my mam played as striker in the women’s first ever Kinsley football team so I will not give up on attending meetings,I will not give up on questioning issues that are so wrong,and I will not give up on supporting and trying to help residents fight and be heard so David if that’s being a community champion so be it,unless you want to suggest my being banned,the community do matter ,the community should have a say in the HCC community owned building and the community deserves a full public and written apology .

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