Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Ferret often gets asked if/when investigative posts will return.

Readers have been reminded that posts into the Kenyon/Eccles cabal did not start until over two years into their Council – It is not credible to post, until the misdemeanours have taken place and then the required evidence has been secured to provide the required proof.

The current Councillors took over in May 2023 in an uncontested election. This means that every single person that put themselves forward automatically became a Councillor.

Since then, four Councillors have resigned for various reasons, three have now been replaced, one uncontested and two via an election. The final vacancy will be filled following an election at a later date.

Team Ferret is now not only investigating Hemsworth Town Council but also the local branch of the Labour Party whose hierarchy just happens to be made up of serving Hemsworth Town Councillors.

This list is not exhaustive, but will give readers an indication of the areas of concern:

  • Where is Alan Draper (Town Clerk)? He has been suspended on full pay for a number of months.
  • Why did the Deputy Town Clerk not deputise in the Town Clerks absence?
  • Why was an ‘Acting Town Clerk’ appointed without a formal recruitment drive taking place?
  • How many other staff members have been suspended from their duties since May 2023?
  • Why has the new Council not fulfilled the decisions which were ratified by the former Town Council? Including:
    • Repairs to all facilities, due to the neglect by the former Kenyon/Eccles cabal?
    • The forensic audit.
    • Protecting our assets by moving the Allotment fencing back to its original correct position at Fitzwilliam.
  • An ongoing staffing cost of over £684,000 – Why is this so high?
  • Large food orders for the Lakeside Café Bar with very little income.
  • Why have the thefts continued? Why have these not been reported to the good members of our communities? After all, it’s their precept monies which have to cover these loses.
  • Increased charges for use of certain facilities – Which residents have already paid for in the precept.
  • The sale of the land at Fitzwilliam.
  • The continual use of the word ‘defer’ ‘defer’ ‘defer’. Will this Council ever make a decision?
  • The award of large sums of YOUR money to community groups linked to certain Councillors.
  • LP21 – Lack of action by the new Town Council and certain Councillors actively seeking to obstruct residents from blocking this development. Yes Councillor Kevin Conway, it is you Ferret is talking about.
  • Police time being wasted by (ex)Councillors with wild accusations with little to no substance.
  • Secret meetings and groups instigated by some of the Councillors both in person and online, in which bullying and accusations have been made against not only current/former Town Councillors but also members of our community and District Councillors.
  • Potential candidates being blocked from standing by the Local Labour Party for vacant seats at Hemsworth Town Council.
  • A candidate with a dubious past/reputation being put forward as ‘the only official Labour Party Candidate’ – Was he actually a member of the Labour Party? Is he a member of the Labour Party?
  • Why has Stan Bates – Chair of Hemsworth Town Council, continually lied to members of our communities in meetings? Maybe Ferret needs to remind Stan that these are all recorded…
  • Finally, why is there very little (if any) communication from Stan Bates – Chair of Hemsworth Town Council? Do the public deserve to be kept in the dark? Especially after the last four years…

Please be assured, investigations are ongoing and Ferret will return in the not too distant future…

By Ferret

One thought on “Ongoing investigations…”
  1. Let’s hope it is not here we go again,let’s hope the public do get some answers,let’s hope there are public APOLOGIES .The truth will come out with evidence I am sure ,and let’s hope for some Truth,open and Transparency because the public have seen very little so far.
    Please can you post on Facebook Thankyou.

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