Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Voting takes place today for the vacancy created by the resignation of Linda Firth in the Fitzwilliam and Kinsley Ward.

There are two candidates:

Ernie Bacon.

Maxine Hird.

You can vote in person at the FITZWILLIAM DAY CENTRE, Wakefield Road, Fitzwilliam,  Pontefract    WF9 5AJ.


KINSLEY CORONATION W.M.C. Ford Street,  Kinsley,  Pontefract, WF9 5ED.

Between the hours of 07:00 and 22:00 hours.

If your postal vote has not arrived, or you missed the deadline you can still vote in person.

Traditionally turn out is extremely low in by-elections and one or two votes can make the difference between a candidate being elected or not…

By Ferret

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