Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Readers may remember the cunning masterplan, disgraced, proven liar and former Chair of Independent Hemsworth Town Council – Jim Kenyon had to try to fool people he was no longer in charge of the cabal, being revealed on Ferret.

He stood aside for Jean Eccles to become the Chair of the Town Council, who promised all was going to be whiter than white and everything in the council’s garden would now be rosy.

Even before she had snatched the £2000 chair’s allowance, in record time, her true colours had shone through.

Nothing had changed, a different face sat in the chair but the same old lies, abuse and deceptions continued.

Ferret understands Jim Kenyon has prepared a cunning new plan to ensure their re-election in the May.

It bears striking similarities to the lies he told and printed before the last election in 2019, as once again it is targeted at the Labour councillors.

His first line of attack has started and it is to target the local footballers and to tell them if Labour are elected they will stop them using the football facilities!

What a short memory poor Jimmy has, wasn’t it Labour who provided the facilities for the football teams in the first place?


Come to think about it Labour provided both the Sandygate and Cemetery Road football grounds.

In fact, it was the footballers themselves on the Cemetery Road grounds that approached the Labour Town Council to take over the ground from WMDC as it was unfenced and being used by quad bikes and motor bikes that had churned the pitches up.

The Town Council negotiated the lease from Wakefield and carried out an extensive refurbishment plan, including the car park, perimeter fencing, pitch improvements/provision and refurbished changing rooms.

In fact the last Labour lot, as Kenyon calls them, had plans drawn to extend the changing rooms to make the facilities better accessible for girls and ladies to play.

Who was it that diverted the budgeted money from that project on their election that Kenyon and his cabal then used elsewhere?

Who was it that was very vocal in opposition to the provision and improvement of all the sports facilities by the labour Town Councils?

That’s right Jim Kenyon and Ian Womersley, who was then an “Independent” District Councillor.

Come to think about it yet again, who was it that tried for years with lie after lie to prevent the footballers using the facilities?

Who was it that was going to turn the Cemetery Road field into a car park for the Venga concert?

That’s correct, none other than the expert of everything, sorry nothing, Jim Kenyon!

Here’s another twist in this pack of lies he is spinning, guess who’s going to be their new knight in shining armour?

No, not Shane Folletti, he’s too busy avoiding questions from people about his “charity” work.

It is none other than our District Councillor of many allegiances and colours, Ian Womersley.

But here is the twist, having failed to be nominated as a Labour councillor for any area in the district, he’s returning as, wait for it, an Independent!

His platform is going to be to save the football grounds for our footballers even though like the Waterpark, they are not under any threat.

Ferret asks the football teams to remember who actually was the real threat to football, in Hemsworth.

Was it the Labour Town Council who provided them or Kenyon and Womersley who tried to prevent them?

Back then like now, Ian Womersley will make promise after promise, like Kenyon to anyone who will listen.

He led his great protest march of the football community, in Hemsworth only to deliver his usual nothing for them but plenty of publicity for himself and his ego.

Ferret challenges Ian Womersley to tell people in writing just what he has achieved for this area, in the very many years that he has been a district Councillor.

Not the claims he has made that always turned out to be other peoples hard worked for achievements, but his own over those many years.

He never even held one surgery for people to attend to see him.

Ferret will accept his reply and even provide the note paper; a piece about the size of a postage stamp should be large enough.

Also to be remarketed is Jean Eccles, she is to become a Saint Theresa type figure and help the elderly fill in their forms and such like.

Please ensure she puts the X in the right box and best not let her know any passwords or mother’s maiden name, date of birth or first pet’s name etc.

On second thoughts always seek help or assistance from a trusted source.

If you are offered a lift by her to the Polls, please ask to see her insurance and MOT certificate before considering accepting.

She may offer to throw in some “spare” Easter eggs or a free palm or crystal ball reading if you’re really unlucky.

Rumour also has it that the “silent” cabal councillors are learning their ABCD’s  and may put on a road show for us all to hear.

Better still, they may put it on in the Waterpark and charge us for the privilege of listening to them.

Jim Kenyon: Another Cunning Plan: Football, More Lies and Dirty Tricks

Ferret can’t understand why he’s bothering as he hasn’t done anything wrong.

You ask him, but don’t mention the Vengas or the Lakeside Café Bar or the legal advice costs or the diggers or the missing equipment or the sacked staff and definitely don’t mention the 4 bedroom flat with free rent and services and the nearly dead lakes…

By Ferret

9 thought on “Jim Kenyon: Another Cunning Plan: Football, More Lies and Dirty Tricks…”
  1. There are too many People hiding their true political beliefs. Tories usually standing as independent and even as labour these days. They must have a drawful of different coloured rosettes to suit every event. They are not fit to be elected if they won’t even share their true feelings and beliefs with the electors. Deception from the very start even before being elected.

  2. Deception and dirty tricks campaigning will definitely be on certain councillors agendas,we will need binbags ready to collect the rubbish some of the councillors will be spouting.
    But trying to target with golden promises to our grass roots football teams in an attempt to win mass votes will not succeed.The good people have seen exactly what the last 4 years under the HTC Independent run council as done to help the local teams and its sporting facilities and its not a good picture.The good people who work tirelessly coaching,refereeing give all their time unpaid and provide holiday camps to enable thousands of our youngsters to enjoy sports and be apart of a team the coaches give 3 and 4 nights a week unpaid and every weekend to provide the youngsters of our community a sense of being part of a team .All this is supported by their parents,grandparents ,friends who also work tirelessly fund raising to help buy kits and equipment they don’t have blinkers on they have seen what the last 4 years and the destruction of the sporting complex as meant to local football and sport facilities and I am sure their votes will not be bought on golden promises of emptiness ,the community will use our votes for councillors we can trust for councillors who will put the community first and provide what the community needs and not self indulgent free spending Independent councillors who do not know the community parishioners exist.

  3. I was trying to think of a word this morning and “Scammers” kept popping into my head. No idea why.

  4. I’ve spoken to quite a few people over the last week or two, word is getting round and more people like me are taking notice. Some of the comments I’ve heard would need to be censored before putting on this site. There are lots of people in the three villages who give their time freely and willingly to benefit others and I hope that everyone will recognise this and use their votes to remove the self serving councillors of the cabal. Those members of the cabal who think that they can walk away from this Scot free simply by losing their seat or not standing at the election should think again. When the forensic audit happens (and it will) the auditors will look under every stone, there is no escape. Each and everyone who has been involved or condoned wrong doing will be drawn in and punished accordingly. I personally can’t wait.

  5. Starting to take notice,
    Hopefully more and more parishioners are reading and seeing the evidence on all social media sites and will use their votes very very wisely.It’s our community and we deserve so much better than what we have had over the last 4 years,hopefully come May the true community councillors will be running HTC and the not so good councillors will be gone ,time for change,time for truth,time for transparency time for a full overhaul of HTC and the parishioners votes can bring in these changes.

  6. Politics is a dirty business for some , if they can see there master plans coming unstuck
    They will lie cheat do anything to try and stay in power , if its allegedly true Womersley is the saviour then they must be desperate (went To Wakefield as independent going nowhere changed to Labour and still going nowhere trying to retun as independent reminds me of MPS flipping properties ,I would hope he’s got more brains than to jump into bed with that shower . Can someone remember certain councillors wanting to put the waterpark in trust or have I dreamit?

  7. Anonymous
    No you didn’t dream the councillor wanting to put the waterpark into a trust. Because I asked who would be the trustees and the professional trustee.
    A trust is only as good as the trustees in place. If anything it would have made it easier to sell the waterpark.
    Don’t think we saw him again at HTC after that !!!

  8. If the members of the community want a waste of time representative at Wakefield then Ian Womersley is the man. I’ve checked his attendance record and it is extremely poor. One meeting attended from seven possibles. Not exactly what’s needed from your rep.unless of course he has a really good reason.

  9. Would think? Mr Womersley reads these posts, possibly not, But here’s an invite to tell everyone what you have achieved at your time with HTC and WMDC for the local community, we all know you like centre stage so here’s your opportunity. Please tell us , if we had notice board’s you could have even put a notice on them. P.s social media is a good way of communication.

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